Integrated Family Services provides CoResponder Outreach Services (CROS) locally in 5 counties and in collaboration with 9 referral stakeholders, both law enforcement and Department of Social Services.
Referral stakeholders include Elizabeth City Police Department, Pasquotank County Sheriffs Office, Pasquotank County Department of Social Services, Nash County Sheriffs Office, Nash County Department of Social Services, Pitt County Sheriffs Office, Greenville Police Department, Carteret County Department of Social Services and Rocky Mount Police Department.

IFS provides a CoResponder Outreach Specialist staff member to be embedded into the law enforcement or DSS office during peak hours of behavioral health calls. The referral stakeholders contact IFS through our CoResponder hotline to make a referral for services and the embedded worker responds out to the site of the individual served alongside LE or DSS staff. The CROS worker provides a behavioral health assessment, clinical recommendations from a licensed clinician, crisis planning and linkage to recommended services and community resources. Extended follow-up and linkage include ensuring individual served attends follow-up appointments.
The CROS program meets goals of the community to divert from hospitalization when possible, provides increased access to behavioral health treatment, keeps individuals in the least restrictive environment through coordinated wrap around services and facilitates the return of law enforcement units and DSS staff back to regular work activities.