By Tresia Bowles
Posted: Wed 9:08 PM, May 06, 2020 | Updated: Thu 12:52 AM, May 07, 2020
Copyright © 2002-2020 – Gray Digital Media
GREENVILLE, N.C. (WITN) – This month is National Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental health experts are reminding people to stay on top of their mental and physical health.
Due to Stay at Home orders, residents have been struggling with cabin fever, but when is it so bad that you may need to seek help from a licensed professional? Mona Townes with Integrated Family Services says it’s normal to be frustrated during these times, but if you can’t bring yourself out of these emotions, therapy may help.
“If you get stuck in that reaction, and you continue to be angry,” Townes said, “If you find yourself completely losing interest in the things that have brought you enjoyment and don’t replace them with new things of enjoyment.”
Pitt Community College senior Kyara visited the Town Common with her family to take a break from it all. She says the transition to online classes has brought on new stresses for she and her classmates.
Kyara said, “We’re just stuck and we’re more frustrated.”
Townes says these feelings are normal.

Townes said, “The high school senior or the college graduate never experienced something like, ‘I don’t get to walk across that stage or attend the prom.’ It is OK for them to be angry.”
However, Townes says still exercise, but don’t neglect your mental health in the process.
If you’re having more serious symptoms like anxiety attacks, panic attacks, and thoughts of suicide or harming yourself, Townes says to seek help immediately. And if you were seeing a therapist before COVID-19, now is not the time to discontinue services.